1. Paint a stone

It is so easy! Just take a stone of your choice and paint at least the following 3 elements on it:

On the back-side of the stone, please write the link to the website: www.anders-stone.com.
This will allow people who did discover an «Anders-Stone» somewhere to find out what is hidden behind this mysterious stone. And who knows, they may then become participants as well. Remember – I talked about the snowball system…

2. Take a photo

Please feel free and be encouraged to let work all your creative forces. Where ever you are, place the «Anders-Stone» at a place which is special to you and take a photo. Then just leave the stone there.

3. Upload the photo

Don’t forget to add the photo you’ve taken to this website so everyone can see where my stones are worldwide. Click on “Upload Photo” and fill in the form. Don’t forget to add your name and a short comment for everyone to see.

Order Anders-Stone

Any stone painted by yourself is the most valuable and special to me.
Stein bestellen
In case we have any questions.
Where should we ship the stones to?
